Easter 2021 - The Resurrection
Mark 16:1-3; John 20:2; Luke 24:11-12; Luke 24:37-38; Luke 24:44; Luke 24:46-48; 1 Peter 3-4; 1 Peter 1:6; 1 Peter 1:18-19
The Resurrection. The central and foundational event of the Christian faith. Yes, it maybe difficult to believe but if Jesus really did rise from the dead, then anything impossible. The resurrection validates who Jesus is and what He said and did. Still skeptical? That’s ok, you’re in good company. His own followers didn’t believe Jesus rose from the dead until…
If Jesus DID rise from the dead, how would that change you, your life, and your future? Would you consider embracing the one who did the impossible? Would you commit yourself to Jesus?
Did Jesus rise from the dead? Consider the evidence.